• Entrepreneurship
  • Strategy and business development
  • Recruiting and team building
  • Investor relations and PR
  • Funding
  • Troubleshooting
  • International Sales

Mandatum and Ragnar Bø provides competent Board, mentor and management capacity to companies in Scandinavian industries during start-up, turn around or other situations where and when focused, expert and temporary management attention is required.

Mandatum was established in 2002 in Oslo, Norway by its founder Ragnar Bo. Ragnar started his career with 12 years in finance and logistics.  Start-ups and entrepreneurship has since then been Ragnar’s passion and way of living.

He has garnered diversified experiences and deep expertise from C-level positions in Marketing, Sales, Finance and Operations, and as CEO for over 15 years. Ragnar’s start-up “portfolio” includes Bomas, SuperOffice, Mandatum, Software Innovation, Sonitor Technologies, Omere, CRM Insight, Cloud Solutions, Cloud Media Service, Exequeum Consulting, Belltus and Communicator365. While all headquartered in Scandinavia, the global markets have been and are these companies’ business emphasis.

Ragnar is also a member of the Board of Directors with a few Norwegian software and consultant companies.